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Friday, August 6, 2010

Flash flood in Leh! Are you kidding me??? by GIRIDHAR B G

Just saw the news that Leh had flash flood due to cloud bursts yesterday. Around 60 people have been killed and more missing! My first thought was.. "you must be kidding me" and I will explain why I thought so in detail below.

Read news details on the flood at:
Flash floods kill 59 in Leh, more missing

Leh (Ladakh region) has a cold desert climate with 90mm rainfall/per year only. How is a desert area getting flooded out of the blue (quite literally speaking)? You may want to attribute this to global warming, but the theory of global warming itself is a big fallacy as I had documented in one of my
previous blogs.

I have personally traveled to Leh couple of times (read my blog with photos on Leh trip), and this is a mountain desert! The sources of water are glaciers melting and becoming rivulets. The mighty rivers include Indus and Zanskar that are completely fed by the glaciers and they melt due to the warmer conditions in Leh.

Curiously though, our neighbor China, who shares a border with Ladakh region, has been using cloud seeding techniques to create artificial rainfall to ease drought conditions in their southern region. Watch a Chinese news broadcast on the same topic.

The science of making artificial rain is now a reality. China used this technology quite heavily in Beijing during Olympics & to reduce pollution as well. Technology can easily become another commercially viable operation or even a military one used to spread havoc on a country's economy. Send fighter planes to drop these heavy particles into regions and trigger flash floods. If you still think I am talking science fiction watch this video on how this technology is being harnessed on regular basis: Humans make Rain

Could this technology be the cause of flooding at Leh? Is some one using this latest invention as another form of attack on the J&K state, which is already struggling in Kashmir on terrorism & civil unrest? Ladakh is the most stable region in J&K with strong military presence to guard our borders. It is also one of the main conduits for food and other supplies to the entire region and a major tourist destination. Most of the people are peace loving and all regions get along fine here. Many Tibetan migrants have found peace and solace establishing their homes here. It is not easy to instigate the people here unlike in the Kashmir valley. Leh is an integral part of India and the only way to destabilize this region is by using natural calamities. I am praying this is not the case and that this is once in a blue moon freak accident.

With the modern discoveries, intelligence communities of nations have to also upgrade their knowledge on how these could be used as potential weapons of mass destruction. Our ancient stories talked about man messing with the weather causing wide scale floods and destroying much of humanity. Vishnu's first avatar as a fish documents this in detail and resembles Noah's ark story quite closely. This is also documented by the Sumerian scriptures which predate the Bible by at least 4000 years and are probably one of the oldest surviving written scripts of mankind. Mankind with its selfish interest can bring upon itself a self destructive force which may not be controllable in the long run.

Don't mess with mother nature, her slight shrug can send continents crashing. You have been warned again.

Giridhar B G

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